Friday, August 15, 2008

FUN TRIVIA - Poll Results

FUN TRIVIA: Did Adam and Eve Have Belly Buttons?

83% - No. They weren't born from the womb.
50% - Belly buttons are over-rated.
16% - Yes. It would look weird without one.

Thanks for casting your vote.

Stay tuned for more Fun Trivia. . .


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Anonymous said...

Wha..!?!? There was a poll? And I missed it? Bummer... and are there any actual answers to these polls? I need to know if Adam and Eve had belly buttons! I'm not sure why... it'll probably come up at some point...

Heart Like Jesus said...

Ha-Ha! In this case, there really isn't a real answer to this trivia. It's more of people's opinion. We won't really know the answer to this question until we see God... or when we look down as we shake hands with Adam!

= )

(The next poll does have a real answer). Check it out!