Tuesday, December 30, 2008

"10 Worst Work Stories of 2008"

It's no secret that 2008 is almost over. Where has this year gone? With 2009 around the corner, some of you... maybe most of you feel like this year was wasted away with your nose to the grindstone. Spending most of your days(or evenings) at your job.

Here's something that will lift your spirits (or your nose)!

These are the 10 worst and weirdest stories that happened in 2008.

To give you an example of some of these true stories:
1. Central Florida firefighters save dogs with mouth-to-mouth resusitation.
2. Man shot by friend so he could skip work.
. . .
5. DVD in firefighter's coat blocks bullet

These work stories are published by MSN Careers with Careerbuilders.com
Go here: 10 Worst (and Weirdest) Work Stories of 2008


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